Monday, January 19, 2009

While Lilly, lilium candidum... good for the skin!

White Lilly is magnificent. Lilium candidum is its botanical name...

White Lilly as a symbol has a long history, being mentioned in Antic Greece and present on the Salomon Temple’s columns.

White Lily is a symbol of purity, often associated with the Virgin Mary in the Christian and Catholic tradition more particularly.

This is also the Lilly variety used in all the Naturétis’ products. The petals and root contain regenerating molecules and active principles.

The White Lilly petals were a well known remedy to our grand-mothers in Auvergne, Morvan and Bourgogne. They were collecting the petals of a few flowers every year, keeping them in alcohol. There was always a jar of Lilly petals at hand to treat small cuts and bruises of the skin when I was a child.

A small piece of petal applied for the night on a cut or to treat a blister has worked wonders many many times!...

For me, a city girl helping a bit in the farm in the summer, my hands were covered in too or three layers of blisters... Every evening, my grand-mother applied some Lilly petal on my palms, and I was ready to go again working the next morning!

Starting with this traditional family knowledge, Naturétis’ scientists have isolated White Lilly extracts with regenerating powers and use them in all the formula of the range.

This is one of the most essential ingredient of Naturétis DermoCosmetic skincare, and a key reason why they are “Naturally Efficient” as the brand’s motto says...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Organic cosmetics, Olivia Wilde is a fan...

Olivia Wilde is the american actress playing number 13 in Dr. House.

Cover model for the the first issue of Organic Beauty, the first US magazine entirely dedicated to organic beauty, she said:

“At first I wasn’t committed to natural and organic—I was committed to products that work. Now I realize that natural and organic products really work. So why sacrifice your health with what you’re putting on your body?”

Wilde has taken the initiative toward greening the House set on the Fox lot. After noticing how many water bottles were thrown away, she had recycling bins set up. Then, she got everyone to recycle paper, and use recyclable cardboard packaging for food. Eventually, she’d like to do a green audit to improve things even more. Wilde, a long-time vegetarian, looks for healthier, eco-friendly alternatives in her beauty regimen as well. “If people can take small steps toward an organic life, it doesn’t seem so overwhelming,” she says. See more here. (Or dowload a printout pdf here).

So, Olivia Wilde counts as one more organic beauty!