Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Shining in the country of the rising sun!

Naturétis is traveling a lot these days, and towards destinations that are becoming more and more exotic !

Japanese women could already find Naturétis at Isetan, the « most Tokyoite of departments stores » since 2007. Today, Naturétis is also available in Japan via an online shop for all, no need to come to the capital to find it !

You only need to follow the link!

Traditionally, Japanese women have been avoiding the sun, in contrast to western women who take advantage of the least ray of sun to deepen their hue. Indeed, when for us deep tanning is the fashion whether summer or winter, although often artificial, he country of the rising sun loves nature and the lightness of skin foundations, reminder of feminine and beauty.

As well, the Japanese are more conscious that us of the negative effects of UV on our organism. They take care of their body and skin.

In fact, Japaneses women are famous for using 17 cosmetic product very morning, against only 6 here ! After cleaning their face, they exfoliate, do two hydration routines and finally make up, etc… for about one full hour every day ! And you, what is your daily morning ritual ?

A muse in Spain...

Let’s have a look at this portrait of Naturétis’ muse in Spain, as it came out from the brain of a talented local artist & student. A bit different from my usual image, but I love it!

The artist worked on colors and on the design: the result is unexpected but great I find! She got her inspiration from pictures of women of the fifties, and their taste for swimsuits at a time of growing women freedom. I love the retro style, very well within the current vintage trend.

In France, the story of the modern swimwear begins in 1946, just after the introduction of paid holidays and the end of the war. The beach then began to be the symbol of leisure, relaxation and became accessible to most. More than that sun tanning also began to be fashionable.

Of course these pictures remind us of Marylin, and her glamorous figure. Do you like it?

Friday, April 30, 2010

Japanese women love Organic

Tokyo department store Seibu has just opened an entire department of 'green' beauty products from all over the world called the Seibu Organic Market, which its representative says is a reaction to popular demand.
Kumiko Sato, who sits on the Beauty Challenger Awards jury, said that “finally, the market of niche and organic brands is developing” in Tokyo.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Blossom of our fields of lilies...

From the beginning of the week our White Lilies are in full blossom...

The good weather is back and inviting to go out...

And all the better since, it means for us working outside to pick the white petals.

All Naturétis products use some of our Lilly extract, the petals are known for their regenerating and appeasing properties.

To know more, see the literature in the previous blog. If you are more leisurely, get out in gardens and parks and breath the fine fragrance of Lilies!

That might remind you of our creams and balms...

And see you later refreshed and tanned!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Naturétis daily and the Daily Mail

The latest tests* prove that a daily usage of the Slimming & Orange Peel Gel together with our Body Firming Oil make women slim a bit more and quicker...

That’s was new enough for the Daily Mail to mention our Firming Oil...

This two products are a new weapon in our battle against cellulite in the UK!

And the first clinically proven fully Organic certified sliming program...

* Tests undertaken by an independent laboratory accredited by the French government. See the following blog here for details...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Women and Home

The leading website of home, well-being and healthy lifestyle has noticed Naturétis! And our sliming body gel is in full organic fashion today!

Credit: WomenAndHome

The Women & Home magazine is writing about us today and is recommending the Naturétis Orange Peel gel as the best buy today.

Women & Home is a leading well-being and healthy lifestyle magazine on this side of the Channel!

I can’t wait for all British Wome to think about Naturétis when they thing about the French nautral and organic life, à la mode Naturétis & Naturally Efficient!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Organic Slimming is possible ! And proved...

Naturétis Orange Peel gel is indeed a Slimming Gel! And the slimming effect works even better when used with the Firming OIl!

We have just got the results from a clinical study on 23 people conducted this spring. Testers love Naturétis products, they say it makes their skin smooth and soft, and with a measurable slimming effect.

Fabien DURAND our scientific leader has prepared the following summary:

Significant Results

(Summary prepared by Fabien DURAND, Scientific Director and Président of Naturétis)

ORGANIC ORANGE PEEL GEL: After 28 days of application, the Orange Peel gel induced a significant sliming effect measured and clinically proved as :

¬A significant decrease of the hip size up to -5.0 hip size.

¬A significant decrease of thigh size up to -2.0 cm thigh size.

¬A significant effect on fatty clusters observed in 67% of individuals, less up to 2 degrees of orange peel.

¬A significant densifiying / disinfiltration effect in 65% of individuals.

¬Quantitative evaluation by the testers :Less Orange Peel: 67%

Slimming effect : 75%

The Orange Peel Gel is very well tolerated by the skin

ORGANIC ORANGE PEEL GEL and FIRMING OIL : After 28 days of application, the Orange Peel gel used in combination with the Firming Oil induced a significant sliming effect measured and clinically proved as :

¬ A significant decrease of thigh size up to -2.5 cm thigh size.

¬A significant effect on fatty clusters observed in 67% of individuals, decreased by up to 2.3 degrees of orange peel.

¬Quantitative evaluation by the testers :Less Orange Peel: 71%

Slimming effect : 84%

Both products used in combination are very well tolerated by the skin

Both products were appreciated by testers for their sense and touch properties (nice texture, nice fragrance and easy penetration) end for their functionality and effect on the quality of the skin (softer and smoother skin). 83% of the individuals testing the products declared they would purchase them.

Study conducted under dermatological control by an independent laboratory accredited by the French government

Forms and applications :

1 – Orange Peel Gel Naturétis – Organic Cosmébio certified by Ecocert

2 – Firming Oil Concentrate Naturétis – Organic Cosmébio certified by Ecocert

Applied on thigh, lower belly and hips for a duration of 28 days in March-April 2009

Number of persons involved and significative in the group: 23

Age of group : 37±3 year average (between 20 and 60 years old).

Conducted on behalf of NATURETIS, BIOPARC Vichy, 03270 HAUTERIVE, FRANCE