Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Shining in the country of the rising sun!

Naturétis is traveling a lot these days, and towards destinations that are becoming more and more exotic !

Japanese women could already find Naturétis at Isetan, the « most Tokyoite of departments stores » since 2007. Today, Naturétis is also available in Japan via an online shop for all, no need to come to the capital to find it !

You only need to follow the link!

Traditionally, Japanese women have been avoiding the sun, in contrast to western women who take advantage of the least ray of sun to deepen their hue. Indeed, when for us deep tanning is the fashion whether summer or winter, although often artificial, he country of the rising sun loves nature and the lightness of skin foundations, reminder of feminine and beauty.

As well, the Japanese are more conscious that us of the negative effects of UV on our organism. They take care of their body and skin.

In fact, Japaneses women are famous for using 17 cosmetic product very morning, against only 6 here ! After cleaning their face, they exfoliate, do two hydration routines and finally make up, etc… for about one full hour every day ! And you, what is your daily morning ritual ?

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