Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A muse in Spain...

Let’s have a look at this portrait of Naturétis’ muse in Spain, as it came out from the brain of a talented local artist & student. A bit different from my usual image, but I love it!

The artist worked on colors and on the design: the result is unexpected but great I find! She got her inspiration from pictures of women of the fifties, and their taste for swimsuits at a time of growing women freedom. I love the retro style, very well within the current vintage trend.

In France, the story of the modern swimwear begins in 1946, just after the introduction of paid holidays and the end of the war. The beach then began to be the symbol of leisure, relaxation and became accessible to most. More than that sun tanning also began to be fashionable.

Of course these pictures remind us of Marylin, and her glamorous figure. Do you like it?

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